SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2891835 - How to Create an Initial Consent Opt-In Email Campaign - Recruiting Management


This Knowledge Based Article links to the Implementation Guide section on how to create a separate initial-consent opt-in email campaign for each locale or segment targeted.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management


  • To invite recipients to participate in email campaigns, create an initial consent opt-in email campaign.
  • Unlike regular email campaigns, opt-in campaigns can be sent to recipients who haven't opted in or opted out of email campaigns. 


Please, refer to the Implementation Guide section - Creating an Initial Consent Opt-In Email Campaign

See Also

KB article 2875521 - CRM - Understand Email Campaign Details - Recruiting

Creating an Initial Consent Opt-In Email Campaign


Email Marketing, RCM, RMK, SF, Success Factors, CRM, e-mail, initial, consent, opt-in , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-CRM , Candidate Relationship Management , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions


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