Tax exemption scenarios needs special configuration and processes to be correctly reported at TDF. Not following these instructions may cause:
- C190 register with VL_OPR field different from the VL_DOC field of its C100 register, which causes a warning at PVA.
- C170 register generated for a line item from a fiscal document with field VL_ABAT_NT with wrong value.
TDF only covers the following tax exemption scenarios, which should be identified at tag <motDesICMS> from the fiscal documents' XML (J_1BNFLIN-MOTDESICMS):
- 7 - SUFRAMA (Zona Franca de Manaus)
- 8 - Sales to public agencies
- 9 - Others
VL_OPR, VL_DOC, C100, C190, TDF, Nota Fiscal, Notas Fiscais, ICZG, ICZF, CFOP, Zona Franca de Manaus, ZFM, outgoing, incoming, discount, deduction, exempt, reason, exemption, suframa, VL_ICZG, VL_ABAT_NT_ICMS, COD_ISENCAO_ICMS, VL_ABAT_NT, C170, agestes públicos, public agencies, others, motDesICMS, desoneration , KBA , FIN-TMF-BR , Tax Management Framework Brazil , Problem
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