The link in e-mail notifications about failed workflows opens the system on the start page, rather than leading to the detailed screen of failed workflow directly.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
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For Failed Workflow Rule type of Task, this is a limitation. Currently in the email sent for failed workflow rules, there will be two links -
- Link to Notification UI with these failed rules. Clicking on More Link gives detail of the instances for which this was generated. This works fine.
- Link to open the detail object directly (Should open detail object same as More Link) - This does not work.
Specifically for Failed Workflow Rules, the More link opens a Modal Dialog which shows all the instances for the specific failed workflow rule. For other type of objects (approvals, Tasks etc), this would navigate to relevant TI/details page.
Currently this is a limitation from our side (opening Modal Dialog directly). The workaround here is to open the first link and navigate to the More button directly for the failed workflow notification.
KBA , LOD-CRM-WKF , Workflow , Problem