After successfully deployed MTA application in Cloud Foundry, Application Route URL does not work. Browser shows one of the messages:
"File not found"
"Not Found"
"The webpage cannot be found"
"HTTP 404"
Application logs show the following similar entires:
[APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT {"written_at":"<...>","written_ts":<...>,"csn_component":"-","correlation_id":"<...>","type":"log","logger":"nodejs-logger","layer":"/Handler","level":"error","container_id":"<...>","component_type":"application","component_id":"<...>","component_name":"mta_<app name>_appRouter","component_instance":-1,"source_instance":-1,"organization_id":"-","organization_name":"-","space_id":"<...>","space_name":"<...>","request_id":"<...>","msg":"GET request to / completed with status 404 - Cannot GET /"}
<timestamp> [RTR/4] OUT ps-scp-bud-<space name>-mta-<app name>-approuter.cfapps.<region> - [<timestamp>] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 0 9 "https://account.<region>" <...>
XS Advanced Application Router
SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Environment
Application Routes, approuter, app router, CF, CF environment , KBA , BC-XS-APR , XSA Application Router , BC-CP-CF-HTML5 , HTML5 Application Repository Service , Problem
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