- After an upgrade of a 4.2 system to any version SP07+, the following error is seen when accessing the Role Import tab of the SAP Authentication plugin:
- "Initialization of destination <BW SERVER> failed: CPIC-CALL: CMRCV on convId: xxxxxx LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) with Unicode ERROR GSS-API(maj): No credentials were supplied Unable to establish the security context target="p:<BIP_SNC NAME>" TIME DAY MON DATE HH:MM:SS YYYY RELEASE 721 COMPONENT SNC (Secure Network Communication) VERSION 6 RC -4 MODULE sncxxall_mt.c LINE 3604 DETAIL SncPEstablishContext SYSTEM CALL gss_init_sec_context COUNTER ##"
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) 4.2 SP07
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
Role import, snc, no credentials, cred_v2 , KBA , BI-BIP-AUT , Authentication, ActiveDirectory, LDAP, SSO, Vintela , Problem
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