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2893488 - SUM Error: In PERFORM or CALL FUNCTION "T179_SELECT" during phase MAIN_NEWBAS/XPRAS_AIMMRG of Upgrade


While performing an upgrade using SUM tool, Upgrade halts at phase MAIN_NEWBAS/XPRAS_AIMMRG:

The following errors were detected in the log files:

# S:\usr\sap\<SID>\SUM\abap\log\SAPR750ZHA.SBX:
3 EPU123 Post-import method "SCPR_SCP2_AFTER_IMPORT" completed for "SCP2" "L",
date and time: "20200214172828"
2 EPU122XPost-import method "SFW_AFTERIMPORT" started for "*" "L", date and
time: "20200214172829"
A3 ESFW 053 There are no switch BC sets to activate or reset.
A3 ESFW 087 "0" enhancements to be passed to ENHO_AFTER_IMPORT
A2 ESFW 380XCalling BAdI Implementations for SFW_BF_STATE_CHANGE ("20200214"
1AETR012XProgram canceled (job "RDDEXECL", number "17282800")
1AEPU320 See job log"RDDEXECL""17282800""<SID>"

Relevant Dump that can cause this issue:

Category ABAP programming error
Runtime Errors SYNTAX_ERROR
Application Component SD-MD-MM
Date and Time 14.02.2020 17:34:53
Short Text
Syntax error in program "SAPLV81A ".
What happened?
Error in the ABAP application program.
The current ABAP program "SAPLV12A" had to be terminated because it found a
statement that could not be executed.
In include "LV81AF03 ", in line 381 of program
"SAPLV81A ", the following syntax errors
have occurred:
In PERFORM or CALL FUNCTION "T179_SELECT", the the actual parameter "D
UMMY" is too short for the formal parameter "ROOT".
Author and last person to change the include are:
Author SAP
Last changed by "SAP"



T179_SELECT, DUMMY, XPRAS, XPRA, XPRAS_EXECUTION, Upgrade, SUM tool, RDDEXECL, lock, workbench, PRODHS, , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , SD-MD-MM , Material Maintenance , Known Error

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