- System compares the new hire data obtained from your recruiting system and compares it with your Onboarding Data Model. If there are any discrepancies, the system creates the new hire data review and correction task.Query:What is discrepancy means?? why if there is discrepancy then only system creates new hire data review tiles?
- SAP Successfactor Onboarding2.0.
Please find below :
It is data mismatched.
e.g. Job code sent from RCM does not exist in EC then such data can be corrected in New hire data review
dept, div, location.
E.g:pay type
e.g. Regular , temparary
if value is sent from RCM "Regular" but in EC it is "REGULAR"
then there will be mismatched of data or even if "REGULAR" is NOt availabe in EC
- Onboarding2.0
- Data Dsicrepancy
- Onboardee data Model
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions