- SAP is providing a set of required document types including document templates, status schema and document type use configuration. Please consider them for the project as default document types. These document types are not adjustable.
- The documentation can be replaced by customer defined document types. To do so please consider the procedure described in following chapters.
- Please use for your document types the default status schema “0DEFAULT“ (which shouldn’t be changed) or a customer specific status schema with customer status values. You can assign digital signature procedures for specific status values in the appropriate status schema.
- When using a customer status schema and status values, please be aware that the KPI framework has to be customized for the new document types to ensure correct ratings in Work Packages, Work Items and dashboards.
SAP Solution Manager 7.2, ST-OST SP00 and higher
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
Document type, status schema, configuration, setup , KBA , SV-SMG-OST-FB-DDK , Documents and Document KPI , Problem
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