- A timeslice error together with a stack trace is reported in the ASE errorlog when a primary ASE is shutdown with nowait:
Shutdown started by user 'sa'. SQL text: shutdown with nowait
Shutdown with nowait detected - ASE process level execution bindings will be cleared on startup.
timeslice -501, current process infected at 0x7ffff60a492e ((null)+0xf60a492e)
- The stack trace includes functions:
llvm::object_deleter<(anonymous namespace)::EVTArray>::call
Note: A complete stack trace is available under Attachments.
- A RSNAP_SPIN spinlock is left unreleased by a spid with a timeslice error:
Spinlocks held by kpid 6094895
Spinlock RSNAP_SPIN at address 0x0000000145eb5180 owned by 6094895
- ASE server may hang.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
- High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)
CR819045, CR#819045, 819045, time-slice, LLVMShutdown , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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