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2895935 - SUM failed due to Symbol _StdStringExponentialAllocation__Q2_3std7_LFS_ON not found


SUM failed when starting shadow service. The detailed error messages is recorded in the log "INSTALL_SERVICE_<Instancen number>_<Instancen number>.OUT". For example trace INSTALL_SERVICE_2_2.OUT:

exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program sapstartsrv because of the following errors:
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol _StdStringExponentialAllocation__Q2_3std7_LFS_ON was referenced
from module sapstartsrv(), but a runtime definition of the symbol was not found.

Shadow instance failed due to Symbol "_StdStringExponentialAllocation__Q2_3std7_LFS_ON" not found from operating system.



SUM upgrade,

AIX operating system,

Target version is using kernel 7.53


SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0


 _StdStringExponentialAllocation__Q2_3std7_LFS_ON, SUM, upgrade, AIX , KBA , BC-OP-AIX , IBM AIX , Problem

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