When trying to generate an E-bilanz report , the report fails with error: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed
A look at the log files shows the error below
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ErrorID: abef9ae7-f925-42aa-a7e7-54cde8bdb697
Message: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
Source: SAP.DM.Core
Stack trace: at SAP.DM.Crypto.CryptoProvider.DecryptString128Bit(String encryptedText, String decryptionKey)
at System.Web.Mvc.Html.InputExtensions.HtmlParameterPassword(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, IParameterValue parameterValue, String style, String disabled)
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SAP Disclosure Management
Padding is invalid and cannot be removed, XBRL Factory, E-bilanz , KBA , EPM-DSM-EBI , DM for E-Bilanz , Problem
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