- Real-time job fails with multiple errors when starts to pick iDOC from R/3 system:
- "Flow became invalid during waiting for request..."
- "R3RfcClient Process() encountered processing error for Request..."
- "System Exception <ACCESS_VIOLATION> occurred. Process dump option is off. Process is not dumped.
Call stack:
0x00000000B618858D, Flat_file_base<Flat_file_buffer>::convertInType()+0701 byte(s)
0x00000000B625F9AE, RdrIDOC::ConvertType()+0366 byte(s)
0x00000000B6260358, RdrIDOC::DumpChildSegments()+2216 byte(s)
0x00000000B62603D6, RdrIDOC::DumpChildSegments()+2342 byte(s)
0x00000000B6261251, RdrIDOC::DumpEntireTree()+2161 byte(s)
0x00000000B6262D6C, RdrIDOC::getnext()+2172 byte(s)
0x00000000B62623AF, RdrIDOC::execute()+0063 byte(s)
0x00000000B700A88E, XTran_desc::execute()+0350 by..." - iDoc is crashing the realtime job.
SAP Data Services 4.x
SAP Data Services all versions
ACCESS VIOLATION, data services, ds, ecc, r/3, real time, idoc, flow, process, NETWEAVER, ECC, BODS, SAPDS , KBA , EIM-DS-SAP , SAP Interfaces , Problem
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