During the upgrade of a system based on SAP NetWeaver, the following error occurs during the phase IS_SELECT:
3 ETN256 You want to install the following add-on components:
3 ETN248 Component: "ST-A/PI" rel. "01T_731", Support Package level: "0" (component type "C")
2 ETN085X"Adding Add-on Installation Queue" " " " " " "
3 ETN262 Calculating queue part for add-on "ST-A/PI" rel. "01T_731"
3 ETN490 Use the Add-On installation package "SAPK-01TB9INSSA" (type &4"AOX") for Add-On &2"ST-A/PI" rel.&3"01T_731"
3 ETN245 The following import prerequisites of OCS Package "SAPK-01TB9INSSA" have not been met:
3 ETN264 In the (alternatively) Requirement set "01":
3WETN494 Required software component "ST-A/PI" is not installed with release "01N_40B_R3" or higher
3 ETN264 In the (alternatively) Requirement set "02":
3WETN494 Required software component "ST-A/PI" is not installed with release "01N_40B_R3" or higher
2WETN543 OCS package "SAPK-01TB9INSSA" does not match the current software component vector
- SAP NetWeaver 6.40
- SAP NetWeaver 7.x
ADDON_QCALC , KBA , BC-UPG-ADDON , Upgrade Add-On Components , Problem
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