SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2898952 - SAP Marketing Segmentation Configuration - Add Data Source to Segmentation Object


Within the 'Segmentation Configuration', the 'Segmentation Objects and Attributes' app does not allow to directly add a data source to a segmentation object. The option to add the data source is disabled.


SAP Marketing Cloud Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Access SAP Marketing Cloud with a marketing administrator role
  2. Open the 'Segmentation Objects and Attributes' app from the 'Segmentation Configuration' group
    seg objects and ds app2.jpg
  3. Observe that the option to add a data source to the segmentation object is disabled
    opion to add ds disabled.jpg


The option to add a data source to the segmentation object directly from the 'Segmentation Objects and Attributes' app was disabled. The reason for the design decision were some wrong usages ending up in different follow on issues. The following list contains some of the wrong usages:

  • Data sources designed for different segmentation objects were added to 'wrong' segmentation objects.
  • Data sources were added with the wrong key mapping.
  • Various data sources with custom fields were added manually, leading in the following issues
    • This broke the process of adding custom fields automatically from the Marketing Extensibility app
    • This created unwanted results due to the usage of different segmentation objects, as documented in the following KBA:
      2644508 - SAP Marketing Segmentation - Usage of Attributes from different Data Sources
    • This lead to bad user experience due to having identical attributes being available multiple times in the segmentation builder
    • This lead to performance issues for all segmentation related processes (including campaign execution)


If you want to add an existing data source to any SAP-delivered segmentation object, the best way to do that depends on the type of data source you want to assign. Depending on the nature of the data source there are the following options:

  • Adding a data source containing custom fields (data source alias starts with '_SAP_CF') should be done via app 'Marketing Extensibility' -> 'Assign Custom Fields to Segmentation'
    assign cf to segmentation2.jpg
  • Adding a data source containing fields of a custom business object (data source alias starts with '_SAP_CT') should be done via app 'Marketing Extensibility' -> 'Assign Custom Business Object to Segmentation'
    assign cbo to segmentation.jpg
  • Adding a data source with a custom view (data source alias starts with '_SAP_CV') should be done via app 'Marketing Extensibility' -> 'Assign Custom View to Segmentation'
  • assign cv to segmentation.jpg
  • Adding a data source with custom scores (data source alias starts with '_SAP_PS' or '~SAP') should be done via the 'Score Builder' app
  • Adding an SAP standard data source to another segmentation object is not necessarily producing the expected results, as usually the data sources are optimized for a specific segmentation object from a functional and performance point of view. If you are sure that a specific SAP-delivered data source will work for a specific SAP-delivered segmentation object, create an case on CEC-MKT-SEG. SAP will then check the specific case, and can assign the data source from our side if there are no functional or performance issues to be expected.
  • If you need only a few specific attributes from a specific data source, creating a custom view for that specific use case can be an option, if you are not producing the unwanted results as documented in the mentioned KBA:
    2644508 - SAP Marketing Segmentation - Usage of Attributes from different Data Sources
  • Creating a custom segmentation object is only recommended if you need a different segmentation object key structure (i.e. a segmentation object with multiple keys). Do not create a custom segmentation object just to be able to assign arbitrary data sources as this causes high efforts for you, short-term for creation, and long-term for maintenance.


Segmentation Configuration, Segmentation Object, Data Source, Assigned Data Sources, Data Source Alias, add, Marketing Extensibility, Custom Field, Custom Business Object, Custom View Segmentierungskonfiguration, Segmentierungsobjekt, Datenquellen, Zugeordnete Datenquellen, Datenquellen-Alias, hinzufügen, Marketing Erweiterbarkeit; Benutzerdefiniertes Feld; Benutzerdefiniertes Business-Objekt; Benutzerdefinierter View Configuration de segmentation, Objet de segmentation, Sources de données affectées, Alias de source de données, ajouter, Extensibilité marketing, Zone personnalisée, Objet de gestion personnalisé, Vue personnalisée

, KBA , CEC-MKT-SEG , Segmentation , CEC-MKT-EXT , Marketing extensibility , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions