SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2899388 - UoM not Defaulted in Post goods movement (MIGO)


When postng a Goods Receipt without reference via the webgui tile 'Post goods Movement' (MIGO), you enter a Material ID and navigate to the quantity TAB. After you enter a quantity and press return the Unit of Measure field is not filled, it is left blank. If you press F4 the field is then filled.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition All versions

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open APP 'Post goods Movement' (MIGO)
  2. Choose Goods Receipt > Other > 501 
  3. Enter your Material Number in the Material TAB 
  4. Press return 
  5. Navigate to the Quantity TAB 
  6. Enter a Qty 
  7. Press return 

The UoM is not filled


Standard System behaviour.
There can be several Units of Measure assigned to a material. The UoM field is left empty deliberately in the first instance for the user to input a value. If the user does not enter a value, then the system will default the base Unit of Measure from the material master data, after the user enters a plant. In addition when a user chooses the F4 value help on the UoM field, the system will present a POP UP with all the valid conversions possibilities from the Material Master record. If there is only one, this is defaulted without the POP UP.


Navigate to the Where TAB and enter the Plant.

See Also

Note 867192  


MSEG-ERFME, LMIGOKL1, LMIGOKL4, goitem-erfme, goitem-meins, MEINS, XEBEFU, CUNI, T006, MIGO, Material_Read. , KBA , MM-IM-GR-MIGO , Goods Receipt from External Procurement (MIGO) , MM-IM-GR-MIGO-2CL , Goods Receipt from External Procurement (MIGO) (Public Cld) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions