When trying to run WebI reports based on BICS, a spinning hourglass appears that eventually ends wtih the error "The Action Cannot be performed"
In the Web Intelligence logs you will see the following:
**ERROR:DSLBridgeController:Error: Failed to load SL Service extension
**ERROR:C3_cdbDSLServer:unable to retrieve the QueryService reference [kc3dslds_server.cpp;909]
**ERROR:C3_cdbDSLServer:(A) cdbDSLServer__InitServer : unknown exception caught : (false) [kc3dslds_server.cpp;948]
<ERROR COMPONENT="WIS" ERRORCODE="30650" ERRORTYPE="USER" MESSAGE="The action cannot be performed." PREFIX="ERR">
- BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0
- BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1
- BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.2
webintelligence APSDSL APS adaptive processing service locks hang lock , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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