- While canceling a production order confirmation in transaction CO13, the cancellation does not take place or only partially. That is, only goods movement of the component is canceled (movement type 261 and reverse with 262) and not the final product (movement type 101 and reverse with 102).
- Transaction COGI shows error:
"NA QA046
Short Text
You cannot cancel GR, since inspection lot is already partly posted
You are attempting to reverse a goods receipt although quantity postings have already been made from the inspection lot. This means that stock for the goods receipt has already been transferred and, for this reason, a cancelation of the document is no longer possible.
Ensure that the postings in QM (within the usage decision transactions) are carried out." - Repeating production order confirmation fails after confirmation cancellation.
- SAP ERP Quality Management (QM)
- SAP ERP Production Planning (PP)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- SAP S/4HANA, on-premise
QM-IM, QM-IM-UD, PP-SFC, PP-SFC-EXE-CON, PP-SFC-EXE-GM, M7021, M7022, M7 021, M7 022, CO11N, COGI, CO13, UD, SPCO, SPST, VE, BEND, I0220, I0218, I0219, STAT34, STAT35, QALS-STAT34, QALS-STAT35, QA11, QA12, QALS-AUFNR, QALS-MBLNR, QAMB, early lot, CO_RU_GOODS_MOVEMENT, SAPLCORF, LCORFU42, MENGE_PRUEFEN, SAPFM07M, FM07MEM0_MENGE_PRUEFEN, QAAT_MATERIAL_DOCUMENT_CANCEL, SAPLQAAT, LQAATU12, AVAILABILITY_CHECK_FOR_STOCK, CL_NSDM_MMIM_READ_STOCK=======CP, CL_NSDM_MMIM_READ_STOCK=======CM00B, operation, deficit, Prüflos, Auftrag, Bestand, Verwendungsentscheid, stornieren , KBA , semi-finished , QM-IM , Quality Inspection , PP-SFC , Production Orders , PP-SFC-EXE-CON , Confirmation , PP-SFC-EXE-GM , Goods Movements , QM-IM-UD , Inspection Lot Completion , Problem
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