Whenever you try to fill an index in transaction code RSDDB, despite it seems to turn green, if you go to transaction SLG1 and see the logs, there will be an error such as:
Error occurred during serialization/No character set conversions possible for one or more
SUBRC '0', SAP HANA/BWA error code '0', SAP HANA/BWA error text ''
SAP Netweaver BI Accelerator
Error occurred during serialization, No character set conversions possible for one or more, TREX_BC_TABLE_DATA_CHECK, ITAB, indexing, filling, BWA, BIA, SUBRC '0', SAP HANA/BWA error code '0', SAP HANA/BWA error text'', serialization , KBA , BC-TRX-BIA , TREX BI Accelerator , BC-EIM-ESH , NetWeaver Enterprise Search , BC-TRX , TREX , Problem
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