SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2900935 - Not possible to add a Localized country in the Activity Reasons for Payment Differences


You want to add a localized country in the Activity 'Reasons for Payment Differences' but there is no button for it.

If you try to add the country in the Activity 'Reasons for Payment Differences for Non-Localized Countries', you have the error message 'Payment difference reasons already exist for YXZ' (XYZ represents the localized country).


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Business Configuration workcenter.
  2. Find the Fine-Tune activity Reasons for Payment Differences, either via Overview (if your system is live already) or in the Activity of the First Implementation Project.

You cannot add any country here.


The Activity 'Reasons for Payment Differences' is an SAP Default screen. It is not possible to add further countries here.

In the Activity 'Reasons for Payment Differences for Non-Localized Countries' you can add countries. However, if you select a localized country, you have the error message 'Payment difference reasons already exist for YXZ'. If the localized country is scoped, it does not appear in the list.


In order to see the localized country in the Activity 'Reasons for Payment Differences', you need to add country to the Solution Profile. Once scoped, the country will automatically be displayed in the list of Countries.


Reasons for Payment Differences, localized, non localized , KBA , SRD-FIN-ACR , Receivables , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions