- The WFA structure (e.g. Supervisor hierarchy) is always current and is not updating according to the Time we selected running the reports
- Running any measure e.g. EOP Headcount in WFA is always displaying the current structure even for previous years e.g. in 2020 the supervisor Jose is reporting to Debra, and in 2012 he was reporting to a different person, but WFA is always showing him as Debra's direct report regardless the Time filter.
SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics (ANA) - All versions
This is the way structures work in WFA. There are either Latest point in time structure (This structure will reflect future dated transaction) or a Span of Time structure (shows latest reporting with historical nodes rolling up to reduce unallocated nodes when viewing historic time periods). The WFA structures do not change based on the time period selected, so if back in 2012 Jose does not report to Debra, that is expected, it will show what is current based on the reporting date/latest time period. This is how the system was designed.
For future Effective Dated Supervisor Change; if Jose will have Jane as future manager, Effective date January 2025 and update has been added in the system already; you may expect the Jane will already show as the Supervisor in WFA.
If you feel that this behavior should be improved, we encourage you to submit an enhancement request in our community.
See Also
WFA structure is always current and is not updating as per selected Time date supervisor , KBA , LOD-SF-WFA-WA , Workforce Anaytics , Product Enhancement