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2901189 - Adobe Document Services cannot be initialized


Adobe Document Service is not started.

You can find the following error in defaultTrace_xx.trc on AS JAVA,

Service [iiop] failed to start; Reason: [Error in execution of service's start method]; nested exception is:
[EXCEPTION] <--Localization failed: ResourceBundle='', ID='IIOP Service plain access point is not started on ICM.', Arguments: []--> : Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key IIOP Service plain access point is not started on ICM.


The Adobe Document Services cannot be initialized.
The IIOP service has not been started. Run the J2EE
Engine Config tool. Ensure that the startup mode of the
IIOP service (cluster-data/dispatcher/services/iiop and
cluster-data/server/services/iiop) is set to "always".
For further information regarding this configuration issue
refer to the installation manual.

and you can find the following error in dev_icm on AS JAVA:

[Thr 5424] *** ERROR => IcmJUpdateServiceList: JsfAllocShmService failed for proto: 112, port: <port> (<ip address>): rc=0 [icxxjcom.c 1856]
[Thr 5424] *** WARNING => JsfAllocShmAccPoint(<host>:<port> IIOP): table full (s=100). [jsfxxshm.c 5174]



  • SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe
  • SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java


SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java all versions


cannot be initialized, IIOP service has not been started, JsfAllocShmService failed, table full , KBA , BC-SRV-FP , Forms Processing , Problem

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