You would like to have an authority check when a user is approving/rejecting a notification by pressing one of these button:
In SAP standard only the system status changes but there is no authority check.
Depending on the release and the notification category you are using, the buttons are named
"Approve notification"/"Reject notification"
"Issue permit" / "Reject permit"
"Give Approval"/"Refuse Approval"
The function can also be reached via the menu "Maintenance notification"/"Service notification"/Notification" - "Functions".
- SAP ERP Quality Management (QM)
- SAP ERP Production Planning (PP)
- SAP ERP Project System (PS)
- SAP ERP Plant Maintenance (PM)
- SAP ERP Customer Service (CS)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- SAP S/4HANA, on-premise
TQ80-PERMIT, APRQ, V_TQ80_PA-PERMIT, Approval required, Permit, Genehmigung erteilen, Genehmigung ablehnen, Berechtigungsprüfung, QM01, QM02, IW21, IW22, IW51, IW52, CLM1, CLM2, QM, I0526, APOK, I0525, APRQ, I0527, APRF, Refused, V_TQ80_PA-PERMIT, V_TQ80_PA, TQ80, V_TQ80_PA-PARVW_GEH, V_TQ80_PA-ROLE_GEH, PA-PERMIT, PARVW_GEH, ROLE_GEH, B_NOTIF, 71, READ_TC33_F15, SAPLIQS0, LIQS0F15, tc33-vrgng, BETRVORG_MELD_AUTHORITY_CHECK, SAPLIBER, LIBERU15, BETRVORG, V_T354B, STATUS_CHANGE_FOR_ACTIVITY, SAPLBSVA, LBSVAU04, FCODE_GNOK_F01, FCODE_GNOK_F00 , KBA , PM-WOC-MN , Maintenance Notifications , CS-CM-SN , Service Notification , PS-CLM , Claim Management , QM-QN-NT , Creating Quality Notifications , PM-WOC-MN-2CL , Maintenance Notifications (Public Cloud) , How To
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