While releasing a transport request, the error message SPRX349 appears and the transport cannot be released:
1. Error in check before release, for details see longtext.
Long text of SPRX349:
- Message No. SPRX349
- During release phase of request XXXXXXXXXX errors are detected.
System Response:
- Release of request is not possible.
- Start Transaction SLG1 with parameters
- Object: SPRX
- External ID: <tr number>
Correct mentioned errors, after correction retry release of request.
2. In SLG1, error SPRX 304 is visible:
Proxy object XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX is missed in the transport request.
Long text of SPRX304:
- Proxy object XXXX XXXX XXXXXXX is missed in the transport request.
- Message No. SPRX304
- The transport request with Proxy objects is created not by using SPROXY,or some internal error occurred during creation of a transport request
System Response
- The Proxy object is missed in the transport request, therefore the release of the transport request is not possible.
- The Proxy object for each logical transport object must exist in the transport request.
Hint: If in a correction system, it may be necessary to create an additional task in your request before inserting the missed objects using the report or manually.
Execute the report ' SPROX_LOG_TRANSP_OBJ_INSERT'.
- ABAP Web Services
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
SPRX349, SLG1, SPRX, SPROX_LOG_TRANSP_OBJ_INSERT , KBA , BC-DWB-PRX , Proxy Generation , Problem
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