- Would it possible to install DMIS 2018_1_752 on S4HANA?
- The component SAP LT cannot be found when creating an XML file on maintenance optimizer.
- According to note 2669326 " DMIS 2018_1_752 is not released on S/4HANA products - only for ABAP FND 1709 / 1809, NW AS ABAP 752, S/4HANA FOUNDATION 1909. "
- Is it possible to install SLT on S4HANA?
- SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server - SLT
- S/4 HANA
SAP Landscape Transformation replication server all versions ; SAP S/4HANA 1709
SLT, S4HANA, S/4HANA, DMIS , KBA , HAN-DP-LTR , Use CA-LT-SLT instead , How To
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