User want to release some wave which have deliveries with different routes. The wanted behavior is to use some WOCR and to determine the packaging specification according to the delivery item route.
If user release the entire wave, system fails to determine the packaging specification and the wanted WOCR is not used. The following error is displayed during HU determination:
No condition record found - Message No. /SCWM/CONDTECH_BASIC006
Try to create the Warehouse Task for single delivery items, system creates the Warehouse Order correctly based in the wanted WOCR and packaging specification is determined.
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Warehouse Order Processing (SCM-EWM-WOP)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Wave (SCM-EWM-WAV)
WO, WT, Warehouse Order Creation Rule, single, multiple, wav, packspec, /SCWM/PACKSPEC, /SCWM/CONDTECH_BASIC006 , KBA , SCM-EWM-WAV , Wave Management , Problem
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