After a successful execution of a planning sequence in Analysis for Office, the PlanDataSave command does not save the data.
In RSPLAN a planning sequence can be executed and saved correctly when executed with trace (ABAP runtime), but the same planning sequence cannot generate any data when executed in PAK.
SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office
Reproducing the Issue
Executing the planning sequence (i.e. copy function) in Analysis for Office by VBA such as Application.Run ("SAPExecutePlanningSequence”, “PS_1”) or manually selecting "Execute Planning Sequence" on the design panel shows that the planning sequence was executed without errors. (RSPLS-410)
Despite the successfull execution, the Save Data button on the ribbon remains inactive or the VBA Application.Run (“SAPExecuteCommand”, PlanDataSave”, “PS_1”) returns the following:
PlanDataSave ERROR : >> Command PlanDataSave is not enabled.
When planning sequence is executed in RSPLAN, the result of HANA / PAK runtime of planning sequence is not the same as the ABAP runtime.
From Analysis for Office side whenever a planning function or planning sequence is being executed via SAPExecutePlanningFunction or SAPExecutePlanningSequence there are two possible return codes:
0 = execution failed.
1 = execution successful.
"Execution successful" in this context means that there has been no technical issue with the execution itself which indeed is independent from any other issues the logic might cause or run into.
So even though the planning function or planning sequence has errors, it has been successful triggered by AO, the Return Value should be set as 1(execution successful)
From BW Planning point of view, the result of HANA / PAK runtime of planning sequence sometimes cannot be same as the ABAP runtime because HANA engine performs checks more strictly than the ABAP engine.
AfO executes the planning sequences in PAK, if the planning functions are HANA ready, unlike to backend (RSPLAN).
In backend (RSPLAN) the parameter RSPLS_HDB_SUPPORT needs to set to HDB_ON as mentioned in SAP KBA 2446042 that the planning sequence can be executed in PAK.
In case planning sequence has target data outside of time range defined in transaction code RSRHIERARCHYVIRT, PAK engine fails to read data and cannot produce new results.
Check your transactional data and extend the RSRHIERARCHYVIRT accordingly.
See Also
1942970 - Return Value of Planning Function or Planning Sequence in Analysis for Excel
2446042 - Error: Invalid characteristic combinations exist
1637199 - Using the planning applications KIT
1694205 - BW-IP: Preliminary clarification of Planning Application Kit (PAK) message
Business Warehouse, BW, HANA, HDB, RSPLAN, In-memory, planning, RSRHIERARCHYVIRT, VBA Application.Run, Save data , KBA , collabkba , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , BW-PLA-IP , Integrated Planning , Problem
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