SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2908549 - SAP HANA Database requests fail with error code 1038


  • You are not able to connect to SAP HANA system;
  • When you try to connect, you get one of the following error messages:
    1038: rejected as server is temporarily overloaded
    1038: service not available
    1038: service temporarily unavailable
  • On the SAP ABAP Application server, you can find the following errors in the developer trace files:
    C SQLCODE : 1038
    C SQLERRTEXT : rejected as server is temporarily overloaded
    B ***LOG BY4=> sql error 1038 performing SEL on table ... [dbtrtab 3975]
    B ***LOG BY0=> rejected as server is temporarily overloaded [dbtrtab 3975]
  • You can also find ABAP dumps in ST22 transaction with similar header information:
    Category Installation error
    Runtime Errors DBSQL_SQL_ERROR
    Except. CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB
    Short Text SQL error "SQL code: 1038" occurred while accessing table ...
    What happened? Database error text: "SQL message: rejected as server is temporarily overloaded"
  • You may also observe that all Dialog Work Processes are in use in transaction SM51;
  • R3trans -d hangs and does not complete;



SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


EVENT_REASON, EVENT_TYPE, QUEUE, REJECT, M_ADMISSION_CONTROL_EVENTS, admission control, timeout , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , HAN-DB-PERF , SAP HANA Database Performance , HAN-DB-MON , SAP HANA Monitoring , Problem

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