dbmcli>db_online, takes long time or hangs.
x_cons <database_name> show active
shows massive RedoExe like this:
T439 4 69128 RedoExe SyncRedo (232) 0 0 1658620(s)
T440 4 69128 RedoExe SyncRedo (232) 0 0 1658620(s)
T441 4 69128 RedoExe SyncRedo (232) 0 0 1658620(s)
T442 4 69128 RedoExe SyncRedo (232) 0 0 1658620(s)
T443 4 69128 RedoExe SyncRedo (232) 0 0 1658620(s)
T444 4 69128 RedoExe SyncRedo (232) 0 0 1658620(s)
T445 4 69128 RedoExe SyncRedo (232) 0 0 1658620(s)
- Maxdb/LiveCache
recover_state, db_online, RedoExe , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , Problem
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