After requesting a Q to P transport, the following message is received in the "Manage Your Solution" app:
A technical error has occurred during activation. SAP is working on the same and will re-start the system once the error has been resolved.
Sometimes, this error can be caused due to wrong entries for configuration step 101118 - Set Pricing Procedure Determination.
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SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition.
Pricing procedure, condition type, custom pricing procedure, custom condition type, customizing, transport issue, procedure determination, PPR0, ZPR0, transport, Q to P, Set Pricing Procedure Determination, 101118. , KBA , SD-BF-PR , Pricing , SV-CLD-FRM-APP , Flexorg, Foreign Key Check , SV-CLD-FRM-INF , Implementation Framework Infrastructure , SD-BF-PR-2CL , Pricing (Public Cloud) , Problem
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