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2910258 - Fiori Element: OVP - Status Indicator libraryshape getting reset to a default shaped versus the configured shape


  • When using a standard status indicator control in one of the custom FIORI OVP applications, the threshold color/ values are set in the  view and a libraryShape (ex: Shape1) is called to display the data and the following is seen:

    <si: StatusIndicator id="Progress" size="ExtraLarge" showLabel="true" labelPosition="Left">
         <si:ShapeGroup id="ProgressShape">
              <si:PropertyThreshold fillColor="Critical" toValue="60"/>
              <si:PropertyThreshold fillColor="Error" toValue="30"/>
              <si:PropertyThreshold fillColor="Good" toValue=100"/>
    ~~~~~~end View~~~~~~~~~

  • It works under: 

    Let Shape1 be the configured correct shape (Expected to be used in the code)
    Let Shape2 be the default settings shape (Or the problematic shape)

    1. When initially loaded - shows correct color and value.

      -----------Analytical Card-------------
      |Label                                                |
      |                                                        |
      |        NumberX       SHAPE1(Color) |

      Where X is the number that needs to be flag to show the Color and Shape to indicate Pass or Fail (Red or Green) or "Critical"/"Error"/"Good" color (Seen above).

      Let libraryShape (Example Circle) will be shown partially field in (ex: Filled up to 30%) if it shows a Fail or Error (From example view above).

      This works and shows correct StatusIndicator color.

    2. When using filters to change what data needs to be shown.

      [        [][]] - selectable field
      [        [v]] - selectable drop down


      Label1                   Label2                  Label3                  Label4          Label5          Label6
      [                ]        [         [][]]             [         [][]]             [         [[][]]     [          [v]      [          [][]] Adapt Filters [GO] <-- Filter header

      -----------Analytical Card----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      |Label                                                |                                                                                                
      |                                                        |Value 1       |  Value 2      | Value 3     |Value 4           |Value 5      
      |        NumberX       SHAPE1(Color) |                                                                                                

      ----------end Screen----------------------------

      Let libraryShape (Example Circle) will be shown partially field in (ex: Filled up to 64%) if it shows a "Good"  (From example view above) based on data.

  • It does not work under: 
    1. In the actual Analytical Card when the tab or button was clicked from Value to Percentage inside the Analytical Card.

      Example: In the example below there is a Fiori Element Overview Page (OVP) and it could be standard or customized.

      As an example let OVP page have an "Analytical Card" which goal is to show to the viewers or audience a shape (in this example it can be a circle) that shows a status per defined customization in the annotation.

      ------------OVP Page---------------------

      Let View of the Analytical Card have some rendering below where:
      -> [Percentage] is a button (drop down with appropriate selections)
      -> Status is simply a label of the current status of the app
      -> Status Color (Red, Green and others) are colors shown in the Analytical Card to indicate Pass, Fail and other options


      Analytical Card

      | [Percentage]                               | <-- Let Percentage be the value from the drop down selection (Ex: Value to Percentage)
      | Status                                         |
      |Analytical Card = Status color     |
      |                                                    |
      |  Shows Shape2 with color          |

      ------------End OVP Page-----------------

      In the example above, each time the user clicks the button to select from the drop down selection a value to the Percentage, the actual shape (wrong shape) and color is filled to 100% (the rendering of the color does not show the actual status even though the data or debug shows correct values.

      Let libraryShape (Shape2) show a full circle filled to 100% and not showing the correct libraryShape used (Different libraryshape (Shape1) compared to the 2 workings ones above).  It appears that Shape2 is a default shape instead of the configured or coded shape (Shape2).  



  • SAP S/4HANA 1809
  • SAPUI5 1.60.6 (Both Server and WebIDE)


SAP S/4HANA 1809 ; SAPUI5 1.0


"Fiori Element OVP","Overview Page","Fiori OVP StatusIndicator","Fiori StatusIndicator","StatusIndicator Reset","Fiori StatusIndicator problem","Fiori Element StatusIndicator color problem","Fiori OVP StatusIndicator problem" , KBA , CA-UI5-CTR , SAP UI5 Controls , Problem

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