You run the two reports, Trial Balance and Accounts Receivable - Trial Balance, finding that there is difference in the amount of Ending Balance Company Currency.
SAP Business Bydesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to General Ledger work center.
- Go to Report view.
- Open report Trial Balance.
- Enter below values in the selection; Company->AA; Set of Books->BB; Accounting period/Year->CCC.DDDD…EEE.DDDD; Display Currency - Conversion Date->FF.GG.DDDD.
- Run the report.
- Here you found the amount of Ending Balance Company Currency is XXXX.
Now, open the other report.
- Go to General Ledger work center.
- Go to Report view.
- Open report Accounts Receivable - Trial Balance.
- Enter below values in the selection; Company->AA; Set of Books->BB; Accounting period/Year->CCC.DDDD…EEE.DDDD; Display Currency - Conversion Date->FF.GG.DDDD.
- Run the report.
- Here you found the amount of Ending Balance Company Currency is YYYY.
You will see the difference is XXXX-YYYY=ZZZZ
Basically the difference is due to an amount that is not assigned to any business partner. If the amount is not assigned to a partner company it will not appear on account receivable reports because there is no account associated with it.
You can narrow the period down in both reports for only HHH.DDDD (HHH.DDDD is the period when the difference first appears); Then in the View, add the row Partner Company into the Trial Balance report, you will see that there is a Not Assigned amount of ZZZZ showing under Ending Balance Company Currency - this isn't assigned to any partner company, it could be coming from a manual JEV or something like this.
Ending Balance Company Currency; Trial Balance; Accounts Receivable - Trial Balance; Not Assigned; , KBA , SRD-FIN-ANA-GL , General Ledger (Reporting) , How To