You may run into the aforementioned compile error if you update from a previous 1905.x installation to the 1905.13 (or higher) patch release.
You will only run into this issue if you have created your own custom extensions based on the yacceleratorstorefront template extension. In that case you most likely have a copy of the AnonymousConsentController class in your extension which still contains the now unreachable catch block.
The error will look similar to this:
---------- 1. ERROR in hybris/bin/modules/base-accelerator/yacceleratorstorefront/web/src/de/hybris/platform/yacceleratorstorefront/controllers/misc/ (at line 75) catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unreachable catch block for UnsupportedEncodingException. This exception is never thrown from the try statement body ---------- 1 problem (1 error)
Commerce version 1905.13 and later patch release
AnonymousConsentController, jackson-databind, ECP-4789, ECP-4904 , KBA , CEC-SCC-PLA-PL , Platform , Known Error
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