SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2913513 - Reports vs Labels view | Public and Private Labels b2005 new Feature - Report Center


  • With the b2005 (2020 1H) release we have redesigned the 'Grouped vs Flat' view in Report Center.
  • The views are now Reports and Labels

This KBA will explain the new features in these view.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite


We will be using the term RC admins(Report Center admins) quite a few times.
Hence explaining that first.

RC admins are users with admin privileges on one or more of the Report Types.

i.e. users who have one or more of the following  reporting admin permission under Permissions > Administrator Permissions :

  • Manage Dashboards / Reports  Report Admin
    (Report - Table Admin)
  • Manage Dashboards / Reports  Report - Story Admin
    (Report - Story Admin)
  • Manage Dashboards / Reports  Analytics Tiles and Dashboards
    (Tiles and Dashboard Admin)
  • Analytics Permissions  Functional Permission  Report Canvas Designer Admin
    (Report - Canvas Admin)


  • The views are now called 'Reports' and 'Labels'

  • Labels can be managed and created from new drop-down beside the view switcher

  • 'Run' and 'Label As' actions for individual Reports / Dashboards are now available outside the action menu

  • You can now create public and private Label to better organize your reports in Report Center.
    • A private Label is accessible only by the user who had created the Label
    • A public Label is accessible by RC admins

This 'access' applies to the Labels that can be managed, Labels displayed below the names of Reports  in the 'Reports' view and the Labels displayed under the 'Labels' view.

  • The 'Labels' view will only display Labels that 
    • The user has access to 
    • Have at least one Report with that Label (The previous Grouped view used to Display all Labels for everyone)

  • The 'Labels' view will display the 'Author' and 'Last Modified' Information for the Labels as well.

  • 'Edit' and 'Delete' for Labels and 'Run' , 'Label As' and the Action menu for Reports are the available actions under the 'Labels' view.

  • Label Colours:
    • Public Labels can be set to one among the six available colours (Gold, Orange, Blue, Green, Violet and Red)
    • Private labels can be of colour Gray only

Rules that come in to picture with the new changes:

  • In the 'Labels' view, Reports without Labels will be grouped under the 'Unlabeled Reports' category

  • Depth Limit: Labels will have a depth limit (nesting of labels) to 5 levels.

  • Structure/Nesting: Separate hierarchy for public & private labels. Intermixing of public & private labels in the hierarchy is not allowed.

  • Upgrade/Downgrade: Only RC admin user will have the ability to change the visibility of a public label to a private label (downgraded) or a private label to public label (upgraded). Doing so, all the corresponding child labels of the label will also be downgraded or upgraded automatically.

  • Change Hierarchy: A user will have the ability to change the parent label of a label.

  • Uniqueness of Labels (names):
    • Labels are not case-sensitive. Retail and retail are considered as one label.
    • Public Labels are unique across the instance - One instance cannot have two Public Labels with the same name
    • Private Labels are unique per user - While two different users can have their own Private Labels coincidentally with the same name, one user cannot have two Private Labels with the same name
    • Naming is distinct between Public and Private Labels - One user CAN have one Private Label and one Public Label with the same name
    • As mentioned earlier, Label names are case insensitive - oneLabel, ONELABEL, onelabel and ONElabel - all of these are technically the same name hence changing the case of the names won't serve as a different name

Check the following KBA if you would like to get more details on all the Labels in the instance:
KBA2919019 - How to find more details like owner and scope for Report Center Labels?

See Also

Adding Labels to a Report - Help Portal user guide

KBA2919019 - How to find more details like owner and scope for Report Center Labels?

KBA2913527 - Labels are missing in Report Center after the b2005 release

KBA2913873 - Unlabeled Reports does not get updated immediately - Report Center

KBA2913449 - Are Label Names unique in Report Center ?

KBA2913482 - Label is missing after its type was changed from Public to Private - Report Center

KBA2913383 - Label color doesn't change when the privacy is changed from Private to Public - Report Center

KBA2913369 - Unable to Apply a Label to multiple reports at the same time - Report Center


Labels, Reports, Grouped, Flat, b2005, change, UI, Grouped vs Flat, Reports vs Labels, b2005, 2005, H12020, H1, 2020, release , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-RCT , Report Centre , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite 2005


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