The extraction terminates with error:
Error while extracting data: DataSource 0PM_PRM_PLCS_1, package 000000
Message no. RODPS_SAPI009
If you check the extraction job ODQR* in the ODP source system, the following exception might be seen:
Error while extracting data: DataSource 0PM_PRM_PLCS_1, package 000000
Order type for task list costing is initial ->TLIST_AUART Message no. IBW006
Costing date YYYYMMDD for task lists is in the past ->TLIST_DATE Message no. IBW002
Start date and end date for maintenance plan costing are initial Message no. IBW003
Start date YYYYMMDD for maintenance plans is in the past ->MPLAN_DATE Message no. IBW004
- Source System of BW system
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions
0PM_PRM_PLCS_2, PMEX_PRMPLCS, IBW 002, IBW 003, IBW 004, IBW005, IBW 005, IBW 006 , KBA , BW-BCT-PLA-MCB , BW only - PLM Maintenance Cost Budgeting , BC-BW-ODP , Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) and Delta Queue (ODQ) , How To
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