- You observe additional service appeared after system replication takeover in HANA Studio (Administration -> Landscape -> Services).
- In case the additional service is xsuaaserver, following information can be found in trace
e service_active_s TREXNameServer.cpp(05065) : cannot start another xsuaaserver on <host A> while one is present <host B>
e assign setServiceStarting.cpp(00434) : Error in TNSClient::setStarting(): 5711: Add Service for database failed;Cannot start xsuaaserver on <host A> while one is present at <host B>
- Cluster system
- HANA 1.0
- HANA 2.0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
xscontroller, xsuaaserver, xsengine, scriptserver, statisticsserver, webdispatcher, indexserver, nameserver, cacheserver, diserver, dpserver, esserver, standby, worker, failover, topology , KBA , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , How To
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