While performing an upgrade with DMO using Software Update Manager (SUM), the following issue occurs in phase MAIN_SHDIMP/SUBMOD_SHD2_RUN/SUBMOD_MIG_DIST/PARDIST_MIG
- PARDISTMIG.ELG shows the following error for different tables:
4 EDA507 -> "<table>"
2EEDA479 Error in ALTER TABLE generation for table "<table>"
2EEDA471 Result "<table>": Action: " " Mode flag: "E" Internal SUBRC: "8"
- In Transaction SM21 on SHADOW instance you can find error message:
Database error 936 at FET
> ORA-00936: missing expression
- SUM 2.0
- Shadow instance
- Oracle in source system
PARDIST_MIG, Error in ALTER TABLE generation for table , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-DB-ORA-SYS , Database Interface / DBMS , Known Error
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