- Sample of APL SQL if primary key is not in the first place of the training table structure
- Error while running APPLY_MODE function in HANA to get the apply result
Could not execute 'call "SAP_PA_APL".""( FUNC_HEADER, MODEL_TRAIN_BIN, APPLY_CONFIG, -- ...' in 1.596 seconds .
SAP DBTech JDBC: [423]: AFL error: search table error: "SAP_PA_APL"."": line 35 col 4 (at pos 1766): [423] (range 3) AFL error exception: AFL error: search table error: _SYS_AFL.APL_AREA:APPLY_MODEL__OVERLOAD_4_3: [423] (range 3) AFL error exception: [APL error] Automated Analytics error (-2147467259): phase 'KxCPPInterf::IKxenModel::sendMode()' [cannot change table column count][An error has occurred when accessing a dataset in the store managed by APLStore
and the current action has been stopped.]
- Automated Predictive Library (APL)
claims-apl_Apply_ex.sql , claims-apl_Create_Train_ex.sql , PAL , APL , HANA Function, predictive scenarios , KBA , BI-RA-PA-APL , Automated Predictive Library , How To
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