- Custom UI application
- Requirements for this project is the CAPTCHA Validation aside from the typical Username/Password for the Fiori Launchpad
- LET CAPTCHA be a means for the user to select Image Validation or Random Number (~8 characters) or others to help improve the security of the application during logging in (Typically CAPTCHA is a means to prevent robo entry)
- Currently the Fiori Launchpad Page only has the following requirements to login:
~~~~~~~~~~~Start Here~~~~~~~~~
Password ________
Language _________
[Log On] Button
[Change Password] Button
~~~~~~~~~~~end here~~~~~~~~~~
- SAPUI5 1.70.X
- SAP Cloud Platform
SAP BTP, Neo environment 1.0 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAPUI5 1.0
"CAPTCHA","Fiori CAPTCHA","Fiori Launchpad CAPTCHA","User Logon CAPTCHA" , KBA , MOB-CLD-SEC , CP mobile service for dev & ops security , Problem
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