SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview



Dump appears:
Category               ABAP programming error
Runtime Errors         DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE
Except.                CX_SY_RANGE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS
ABAP Program           SAPLSVCM
Application Component  BC-CUS-TOL-TME



This KBA applies for all SAP Products based on NetWeaver and S4H


Category               ABAP programming error
Runtime Errors         DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE
Except.                CX_SY_RANGE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS
ABAP Program           SAPLSVCM
Application Component  BC-CUS-TOL-TME
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    Invalid substring access: Length too long                                                     |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Error in the ABAP application program.                                                        |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The current ABAP program "SAPLSVCM" had to be terminated because it found a                   |
|    statement that could not be executed.                                                         |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|What can I do?                                                                                    |
|    Note which actions and entries caused the error to occur.                                     |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Consult your SAP administrator.                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Using transaction ST22 for ABAP dump analysis, you can view, manage,                          |
|    and retain termination messages for longer periods.                                           |
|    Note which actions and entries caused the error to occur.                                     |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Consult your SAP administrator.                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Using transaction ST22 for ABAP dump analysis, you can view, manage,                          |
|    and retain termination messages for longer periods.                                           |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|Error analysis                                                                                    |
|    An exception has occurred in class "CX_SY_RANGE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS". This exception                |
|     was not caught                                                                               |
|    in procedure "SET_IMPORT_RESULT" "(FORM)" or propagated by a RAISING clause.                  |
|    Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated this                             |
|    exception, the current program was terminated.                                                |
|    The reason for the exception occurring was:                                                   |
|    The reason for the exception is:                                                              |
|    In the executed program "SAPLSVCM", the system attempted to access field                      |
|     "<TABKEY>"                                                                                   |
|    of type "X" and length 240 using the length 318. A substring access                           |
|    with a length declaration greater than the field length is not allowed                        |
|    however.                                                                                      |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|How to correct the error                                                                          |
|    If the exception cannot be prevented, "CX_SY_RANGE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS" must be                     |
|     caught within                                                                                |
|    procedure "SET_IMPORT_RESULT" "(FORM)" or declared in the procedure's RAISING                 |
|     clause.                                                                                      |
|    To prevent the exception, note the following:                                                 |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Reduce the length used to access the field.                                                   |
|    If the error occurs in one of your own ABAP programs or an SAP program                        |
|    that you have modified, try to remedy the error.                                              |
|                                                                                                  |
|    If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the following                           |
|    information to SAP:                                                                           |
|                                                                                                  |
|    1. The description of the problem (short dump)                                                |
|    To do this, choose  System -> List -> Save -> Local File (unconverted)                        |
|    on the screen you are in now.                                                                 |
|                                                                                                  |
|    2. The relevant system log                                                                    |
|    To do this, call the system log in transaction SM21. Restrict the time                        |
|    interval to ten minutes before the short dump and five minutes after                          |
|    it. In the display, choose System -> List -> Save -> Local File                               |
|    (unconverted).                                                                                |
|                                                                                                  |
|    3. If these are programs of your own, or modified SAP programs: The                           |
|    source text of the programs                                                                   |
|    To do this, please choose                                                                     |
|    "Other Utilties -> Upload/Download -> Download".                                              |
|                                                                                                  |
|    4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred or                         |
|    which actions and input caused the error.                                                     |
|    If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the following                           |
|    information to SAP:                                                                           |
|                                                                                                  |
|    1. The description of the problem (short dump)                                                |
|    To do this, choose  System -> List -> Save -> Local File (unconverted)                        |
|    on the screen you are in now.                                                                 |
|                                                                                                  |
|    2. The relevant system log                                                                    |
|    To do this, call the system log in transaction SM21. Restrict the time                        |
|    interval to ten minutes before the short dump and five minutes after                          |
|    it. In the display, choose System -> List -> Save -> Local File                               |
|    (unconverted).                                                                                |
|                                                                                                  |
|    3. If these are programs of your own, or modified SAP programs: The                           |
|    source text of the programs                                                                   |
|    To do this, please choose                                                                     |
|    "Other Utilties -> Upload/Download -> Download".                                              |
|                                                                                                  |
|    4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred or                         |
|    which actions and input caused the error.                                                     |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|    Program....................... SAPLSVCM                                                       |
|    Screen......................... SAPSCPR7                                0100                  |
|    Screen line.................... 8                                                             |
|    Debugger interpretor loop... "none"                                                           |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|Chain of Exception Objects                                                                        |
|Level        Class                                                                                |
|Attrib. Name                   Value                                                              |
|1            CX_SY_RANGE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS                                                            |
|(Program)                      SAPLSVCM                                                           |
|(Include)                      LSVCMF17                                                           |
|(Row)                          1,517                                                              |
|(Short Text)                   Substring access (offset = 0, length = 318) to a data object of the|
|                               size 240 exceeds valid boundaries.                                 |
|(Long Text)                    The sub area access (Offset = 0, Länge =                           |
|                                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                  |
|                                                                       &LEN GTH&) on a data object|
|                               of size 240, lies outwith the valid boundaries.                    |
|IS_RESUMABLE                                                                                      |
|KERNEL_ERRID                   DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE                                              |
|LENGTH                         318                                                                |
|OFFSET                         0                                                                  |
|SIZE                           240                                                                |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|Information on where terminated                                                                   |
|    The termination occurred in ABAP program or include "SAPLSVCM", in                            |
|     "SET_IMPORT_RESULT". The                                                                     |
|    main program was "SAPSCPR7".                                                                  |
|                                                                                                  |
|    In the source code, the termination point is in line 1517 of include                          |
|     "LSVCMF17".                                                                                  |
|    include "LSVCMF17".                                                                           |
|    The termination is due to exception "CX_SY_RANGE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS" occurring in                  |
|     procedure "SET_IMPORT_RESULT" "(FORM)",                                                      |
|    but not being handled locally there or being declared in the RAISING                          |
|    clause.                                                                                       |
|    The procedure is in program "SAPLSVCM". Its source code begins in line 1496 of                |
|    include "LSVCMF17".                                                                           |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|Source Code Extract                                                                               |
|Line |Code                                                                                        |
| 1487|* Für den Schlüssel TABKEY wird ein Eintrag in die Import-Ergebnisse                        |
| 1488|* SAV_IMPORT_RES aufgenommen mit entspr. Kennzeichen                                        |
| 1489|*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*                    |
| 1490|* -->  MODFLAG: ' '/'E'/'D'/'I'/'U'                                                         |
| 1491|*               (Eintrag nicht mod./Fehler/gelöscht/eingefügt/geändert)                     |
| 1492|* -->  HEADER:                                                                              |
| 1493|* -->  TABKEY:      Key aus den Import-Daten                                                |
| 1494|* Seiteneffekt: die globale Tabelle SAV_IMPORT_RES wird modifiziert!!!                      |
| 1495|*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*                    |
| 1496|FORM set_import_result USING modflag TYPE vcl_flag_type                                     |
| 1497|                             header LIKE vimdesc                                            |
| 1498|                             tabkey TYPE x.                                                 |
| 1499|  FIELD-SYMBOLS: <tabkey> TYPE x.                                                           |
| 1500|                                                                                            |
| 1501|  ASSIGN sav_import_res-tabkey TO <tabkey> CASTING.                                         |
| 1502|  sav_import_res-objtab-object-objectname = cluster_name.                                   |
| 1503|  sav_import_res-objtab-object-objecttype = 'C'.                                            |
| 1504|  sav_import_res-keylen = header-keylen.                                                    |
| 1505|  sav_import_res-genkeylen = header-keylen.                                                 |
| 1506|  IF header-bastab NE space.                                                                |
| 1507|    sav_import_res-objtab-tabname = header-maintview.                                       |
| 1508|    IF header-viewname <> header-maintview.                                                 |
| 1509|      sav_import_res-objtab-viewname = header-viewname.                                     |
| 1510|    ELSE.                                                                                   |
| 1511|      CLEAR sav_import_res-objtab-viewname.                                                 |
| 1512|    ENDIF.                                                                                  |
| 1513|  ELSE.                                                                                     |
| 1514|    sav_import_res-objtab-tabname = header-roottab.                                         |
| 1515|    sav_import_res-objtab-viewname = header-viewname.                                       |
| 1516|  ENDIF.                                                                                    |
|>>>>>|  <tabkey>(header-keylen) = tabkey(header-keylen).                                          |
| 1518|*  sav_import_res-tabkey = tabkey(header-keylen).                                           |
| 1519|  CLEAR sav_import_res-import.                                                              |
| 1520|  CASE modflag.                                                                             |
| 1521|    WHEN ' '. sav_import_res-import-unchanged = 1.                                          |
| 1522|    WHEN 'E'. sav_import_res-import-errors = 1.                                             |
| 1523|    WHEN 'D'. sav_import_res-import-deleted = 1.                                            |
| 1524|    WHEN 'I'. sav_import_res-import-inserted = 1.                                           |
| 1525|    WHEN 'U'. sav_import_res-import-updated = 1.                                            |
| 1526|  ENDCASE.                                                                                  |
| 1527|  APPEND sav_import_res.                                                                    |
| 1528|ENDFORM.                                              "SET_IMPORT_RESULT                    |
| 1529|                                                                                            |
| 1530|*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*                    |
| 1531|*&      Form CHECK_ENTRY_IS_MODIFIED                                                        |
| 1532|*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*                    |
| 1533|* Überprüfen, ob zwei Tabelleneinträge gleich sind:                                         |
| 1534|* Readonly-Felder dabei ignorieren                                                          |
| 1535|*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*                    |
| 1536|* -->  ENTRY1, ENTRY2: zu vbergleichende Einträge                                           |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|Contents of system fields                                                                         |
|Name    |Val.                                                                                     |
|SY-SUBRC|0                                                                                        |
|SY-INDEX|1                                                                                        |
|SY-TABIX|5                                                                                        |
|SY-DBCNT|0                                                                                        |
|SY-FDPOS|40                                                                                       |
|SY-LSIND|0                                                                                        |
|SY-PAGNO|0                                                                                        |
|SY-LINNO|1                                                                                        |
|SY-COLNO|1                                                                                        |
|SY-PFKEY|0100                                                                                     |
|SY-UCOMM|CONT                                                                                     |
|SY-TITLE|Business Configuration Sets: Activation                                                  |
|SY-MSGTY|E                                                                                        |
|SY-MSGID|00                                                                                       |
|SY-MSGNO|058                                                                                      |
|SY-MSGV1|PS37_PRC_VIM_ECO                                                                         |
|SY-MSGV2|PS32_VIM_EXPERT_CODING                                                                   |
|SY-MSGV3|PF31_DEFAULT_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES                                                             |
|SY-MSGV4|/OTX/PF62_T_WPVA                                                                         |
|SY-MODNO|1                                                                                        |
|SY-DATUM|20200503                                                                                 |
|SY-UZEIT|151858                                                                                   |
|SY-XPROG|SAPMSSY1                                                                                 |
|SY-XFORM|XAB_WFLUSH                                                                               |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|Active Calls/Events                                                                               |
|No.   Ty.          Program                             Include                             Line   |
|      Name                                                                                        |
|    8 FORM         SAPLSVCM                            LSVCMF17                             1517  |
|      SET_IMPORT_RESULT                                                                           |
|    7 FUNCTION     SAPLSVCM                            LSVCMU22                              577  |
|      VIEWCLUSTER_BCSET_IMPORT_INT                                                                |
|    6 FUNCTION     SAPLSVCM                            LSVCMU21                               23  |
|      VIEWCLUSTER_BCSET_IMPORT                                                                    |
|    5 FUNCTION     SAPLSCPRPS                          LSCPRPSU36                            520  |
|      SCPR_PRSET_CT_IMPORT_INDUSTRY                                                               |
|    4 FUNCTION     SAPLSCPRAC                          LSCPRACU14                           2155  |
|      SCPR_ACTIV_MN_ACTIVATE                                                                      |
|    3 FUNCTION     SAPLSCPRAC                          LSCPRACU10                            256  |
|      SCPR_ACTIV_MN_REMOTE_SUB                                                                    |
|    2 FUNCTION     SAPLSCPR                            LSCPRU05                              304  |
|      SCPR_ACTIVATE_BCSETS_REMOTE                                                                 |
|    1 MODULE (PAI) SAPSCPR7                            SCPR7I01                              103  |
|      USER_COMMAND_0100                                                                           |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , KBA , BC-CUS-TOL-TME , View Maintenance Tool , BC-CUS-TOL-BCD , Business Configuration Sets , Problem

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