You have created a sales restriction with distribution channel & division for an organizational unit.
The sales restriction is considered properly when you try to create a new sales area for a customer. In this case, distribution channel & division are available for selection.
But it is not considered when you create a new document (activity, lead, opportunity, sales quote or sales order), or when you use the filter criteria. In these cases, distribution channel respectively division are not available for selection.
SAP Cloud for Customer
The sales data restriction maintained in the sales organization is valid only for accounts and employees.
For an organizational unit, you can restrict the sales data maintenance for an account or employee. For the values entered there, the system will restrict the assignment of a distribution channel and division to this sales organization in the sales data section of an account or employee. In transactions itself you can still change the sales data if required. Note, for Opportunity and Ticket the distribution channel selection is limited also based on this configuration.
Vertriebsweg, Sparte, Beschränkung , KBA , LOD-LE-OM-OM , Org. Management , Problem