- FIORI LAUNCHPAD not displaying the tiles after upgrade
- The screen seems to only show raw text without the tile pictures
- The tiles are really small or rendered in very small boxes (i.e. the small icon could be no data downloaded - similar when a browser is supposed to load a picture but it may show a small icon instead if there is no picture downloaded - similar to those small boxes with x - in this case it looks like small tiny boxes)
- Upgraded from Netweaver version 7.4 to version 7.5
- Check the Chrome or IE Console Error and it may show multiple problems from:
- "RFC Error: User misses authorization object S_RFCACL in backend system"
- OR SAP applications error like: "service_namespace":"/SAP/","service_id":"XXXXXX","service_version":"0001"}, <-- where the service id app name could be any Fiori Odata services
- OR Request URL: https://<<domain>>:port/sap/hba/r/sb/core/odata/modeler/SMART_BUSINESS.xsodata;o=HANA/Catalogs('HANA_CATALOG_MODELER')/Chips?$filter=id%20eq%20'SAP_SB_MODELER_ASSOCIATION'%20or%20id%20eq%20'SAP_SB_MODELER_AUTHORIZATION'%20or%20id%20eq%20'SAP_SB_MODELER_CONFIGURE_DRILLDOWN'%20or%20id%20eq%20'SAP_SB_MODELER_CONFIGURE_MIGRATION_TOOL'%20or%20id%20eq%20'SAP_SB_MODELER_CONFIGURE_TILE'%20or%20id%20eq%20'SAP_SB_MODELER_WORKSPACE'%20or%20id%20eq%20'SAP_SB_MODELER_CREATE_KPI'%20or%20id%20eq%20'SAP_SB_MODELER_CREATE_EVALUATION'
- Status Code: 404 Not Found
- This type of error and solution is documented under: 2568410 - SAP Smart Business KPI Modeler - Cannot Load Tile error (Software Component: CA-GTF-SB-SOH)
- Any issues tied to this Smart Business Modeler is under this component
- The error on Smart Business is stated to not even be in used by the app however it is stopping on load
- Or one of the other errors are being shown one at a time (after fixing each error another different error may show up)
Netweaver 7.5
SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5
"Fiori Launchpad does not render","Fior Launchpad shows small boxes","Fiori Launchpad no picture","Fiori Launchpad no tiles","Fiori Launchpad Netweaver 7.4 to 7.5 upgrade","Fiori Launchpad no tiles to click","Fiori Launchpad only shows text and no tiles" , KBA , CA-FLP-FE-UI , SAP Fiori Launchpad User Interface , CA-GTF-SB-SOH , SoH , CA-UI2-THD , Theme Designer , Problem
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