- When the job is run selecting the same job server in Designer, the job runs and wait_for_file() function works to find the file.
- When the job is run selecting the same job server in Management Console, the job runs, but the wait_for_file() does not find the file.
- The server name is used to reference the Data Services job server (not IP address).
- The server_eventlog is not updated when the job is run from Management Console on the job server box, indicating somehow when kicked off from Management Console, the job is running on a different box.
- ping the server name from the Tomcat box, and notice that the IP doesn't match the IP of the box Designer is running on.
- Host short name matches multiple servers on the network.
SAP Data Services
SAP Data Services all versions
KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , Problem
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