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2928195 - HANA backup fails with "Invalid checksum algorithm" while HANA consistency check does not report any corruption on the system.


  • A backup failed due to a persistence level corruption with an error similar like "[447] backup could not be completed, [xxxxxxx] Invalid checksum algorithm x".
  • Consistency checks run successful with the following parameters "CALL CHECK_TABLE_CONSISTENCY ('CHECK', NULL, NULL)" and "CALL CHECK_CATALOG('CHECK', NULL, NULL, NULL)" and don't show any corruption.



  • SAP HANA, platform edition 1.0
  • SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


KBA , HAN-DB-PER , SAP HANA Database Persistence , How To

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