You need to maintain additional payment attributes for Budget payments or Payroll payments in Russia in FI documents based on the following legal documents:
- legal document number 383-P "Payment Rules of Russian Federation" of 19.06.2012 issued by Central Bank of Russian Federation;
- legal document number 5286-U "Filling out rules of wage type code in Payment orders" of 14.10.2019 issued by Central Bank of Russian Federation.
Attention: This KBA is not valid for releases SAP S/4HANA 1809 (S4CORE 103) and lower. See KBAs 1883302, 2928315
SAP S/4HANA 1909 (S4CORE 104) and higher
Manage Additional Payment Attributes, J_3RF_PLAT, Russia, Maintain Business Partner, BP, payroll payment, budget payment, type of payment, payments to budget, legal document number 383-P "Payment Rules of Russian Federation", legal document number 5286-U "Filling out rules of wage type code in Payment orders", Central Bank of Russian Federation, legal change, Vendor: Country-Specific Enhancement, J_3RF_020_VAL_V, SM30, purpose of payment, payment purpose, Manage Journal Entries, PFCG, business role SAP_BR_GL_ACCOUNTANT_RU , KBA , FI-LOC-FI-RU , Russia , XX-CSC-RU-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-RU , How To
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