You have an integration scenario which is setup in ByDesign system. From the third-party system, you are uploading Supplier Invoices using OData. This generates an External Reference ID such as 0001 in the third-party system. When updating this External Reference ID in ByDesign system, the External Reference ID ignores the prefix 000 and this is not identified in ByDesign system. That is, when you post the Supplier Invoice in SAP ByDesign, even if the Request payload has values for example 0001, the system is deleting the 0 and posting only 1 in the field External Document ID.
After posting and any status change in SAP ByDesign related to payment, voiding, cancellation status should be reflected in third-party system. For that, you have setup an interface to reconcile data between two systems. If the interface has only 1 instead of 0001, the iDoc will fail because 1 does not exist in third-party system.
A preceded zero is not possible for the field External Document ID. As soon as a value like 0001 is confirmed, the zero disappears. Your expectation is that, the External Document ID must be exactly the same number as stated on the Supplier Invoices, including preceded zero.
SAP Business ByDesign
External Document ID, External Reference ID, leading zeros, preceded zeros, preceding zeros, 0, prefix 0, delete 0 , KBA , external document id , external reference id , 0 , preceded zeros , delete 0 , prefix 0 , leading zeros , preceding zeros , AP-RC-ODF-BYD , OData Framework and Console (ByD) , Problem
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