- Have seen a visual difference between Fiori Applications in sapui5 versions due to a system upgrade - Why?
- Visual difference seen between Fiori Applications that uses Smart Templates in SAPUI5 1.52.13 to 1.71.5
- SAPUI5 1.52.13 Fiori applications show Object details to have 3 columns
- SAPUI5 1.71.5 Fiori applications show Object details to have 4 columns
- See sample example of an ObjectPage (Showing details of an SAP Object):
In the picture below the Object has details separated by columns. - The application was used or configured by SAP internal or external SAP partners or customers to use SAP Smart Templates (i.e. Templates use for ease of coding to start from a known working SAPUI5 design)
- SAPUI5 1.71.5
- SAP Netweaver 7.52 or later
SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.52 ; SAPUI5 1.0
"Best Practice Fiori Layout","Fiori Elements ObjectPage Layout sizes","Differences in columns in Fiori application","Fiori Upgrade shows 4 columns instead of 3","4 columns versus 3 columns","Why Fiori have different layout designs","Fiori Element column sizes" , KBA , CA-UI5-ST , Fiori elements v2 , Problem
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