You are using Ariba Network Integration for SAP Business Suite add-on's default in-built version in S/4Hana system, in which you already know that standard extraction reports like ARBERP_BUS2017_EXTRACT_RCPT , ARBERP_BUS2081_EXTRACT_CCINVC are not needed as the document's sending happens via output sending (XML medium + suitable program settings in NACE tcode in case of NAST logic used)
Question is, how to re-send such cXML creation output messages if there is any need for that (failed first attempt, etc.).
S/4hana with built in SAP Business Suite Add-on
output nachricht repeat nachvollziehen failed resend , KBA , BNS-INT-ARI-MM , Native cXML Ariba int. with S/4HANA – MM , Problem
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