- User transactions are not completing.
- Several processes including the system spid 11 (HK WASH) are stuck in the status 'sleeping' and cannot be killed.
- The syslogshold table shows the oldest transaction ran by a spid (330) which has status 'PLC sleep' and cannot be killed either:
spid kpid enginenum status suid hostname program_name hostprocess cmd cpu physical_io memusage blocked dbid uid gid tran_name time_blocked network_pktsz fid execlass priority affinity id stmtnum linenum origsuid block_xloid clientname clienthostname clientapplname sys_id ses_id loggedindatetime ipaddr nodeid spare2 execution_time
------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
330 210174316 18 PLC sleep 10 xxxxxxxxx.xxxx isql 12287 DELETE 114 766 31 0 80 1 0 $user_transaction NULL 2048 0 EC2 MEDIUM syb_default_pool 0 1 1 NULL 0 0 0 Apr 26 2020 6:00AM NULL NULL 57278591
- The ASE server had to be shutdown "with nowait" and restarted.
- Everything is fine after the ASE reboot.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP02 PL06
CR821618, CR#821618, 821618, housekeeper, garbage collection, HKGC, "enable housekeeper gc", aggressive, "user log cache queue size", log, cache, buffer, unpin, optimization, queue, 1105, traceflag, trace, flag, 1102 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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