Connection failed with error 8192 after creating DBCO connection to an external SQL Server database:
-- ERROR ADBC database error (16) occurred
LOG BYG=> could not load library for database connection XXXXX [dbds 862]
LOG BZY=> unexpected return code 8192 calling DBDS [dbacds 1883]
Alternatively, internal error 8.192 has occurred may be displayed.
Unix OS other than Linux x86_64, such as AIX, HP-UX, OS/400, Solaris or z/OS.
8192, unexpected return code 8192 calling DBDS, external SQL Server database, internal error 8.192 has occurred, internal error 8.192 has occurred, internal error, 8.192 has occurred, 8.192 , KBA , BC-DB-MSS , SQL Server in SAP NetWeaver Products , Problem
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