Users are experiencing the following dump in ST22.
Category ABAP Programming Error Runtime Errors ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY ABAP Program CL_WAPI_STEP_ATTRIBUTES=======CP Application Component BC-BMT-WFM |
Short text |
A row already exists with this key |
What happened? |
The current ABAP program "CL_WAPI_STEP_ATTRIBUTES=======CP" had to be |
Source Code Extract |
>>>>> SELECT wfd_id version nodeid language texttyp textnumber wfd_text FROM swdstext * TABLE lt_steps_text_db FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_nodes_return_db WHERE wfd_id EQ lt_nodes_return_db-wfd_id AND exetyp EQ lt_nodes_return_db-exetyp AND version EQ lt_nodes_return_db-version AND language EQ m_language AND texttyp EQ 'MD' AND nodeid EQ lt_nodes_return_db-nodeid. |
SAP Business Workflow
SAP NetWeaver
SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4 HANA
ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
WF_GDPR, SWF_WORKFLOW, An attempt was made to insert an entry * table "\CLASS=CL_WAPI_STEP_ATTRIBUTES\METHOD=FILL_DECISION_ATTRIBUTES\DATA=LT_STEPS_TEXT_DB", unique table key "PRIMARY_KEY", WFD_ID (<STEP>-WFD_ID) and NODEID (<STEP>-NODEID), only one decision text for one NODEID of the same workflow in the same language , KBA , BC-BMT-WFM , Business Workflow , Problem
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